Choose The Approach That Meets Your Needs

We Are All Busy

We get it, adding one more thing to your schedule is hard. We don’t want to add to your schedule, we want you to be your best so you can get to everything on your list. Including, and especially, what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Virtual Gym Membership

We offer a no-cost review of your goals, experiences, medical history and where you are now. Then you receive a warm-up tailored for your wants and needs. You can use this as a warm-up before our 150+ YouTube follow along workout videos. New videos are added monthly! You also get nutrition tips and recipes to build overall better health!

Memberships at just $29/month!

Customized Programs

This level provides a more detailed and specific program built for your experience and equipment with your body and medical history in mind. We provide accountability with weekly check-ins and ongoing supporting materials to help you progress. You also have access to our daily workout videos, nutrition tips and recipes.

Customized Programs for $79/month.

One-on-One and Semi-Private Nutrition and/or Training

We work together online to work towards your goals, ensure proper form and continually assess improvement. We make changes as needed based on what your body needs that day. Sometimes working with someone provides the accountability you need to reach your goals!

Pricing and availability varies, contact us for more information.

“Multiple pregnancies left my body in bad shape. I even had physical therapy to correct my diastasis recti. But after the therapy was over, I found that I lacked the motivation to keep up with my personal training regimen. With Jamie’s help, I’ve regained that feeling of strength and made progress beyond where therapy brought me. Our one-on-one virtual training sessions have increased my strength, stability, and balance to levels I would never reach alone. I also love that it’s not about the scale. It’s about so much more: health and wellness and getting my body moving again in the best way possible!”

-Valerie C., Personal Training, OH

What Incredible Feels Like.